The Parrot Store

1-866-777-8725     Catering to the Bird lovers of the World!

Full Spectrum Lighting

Below you will find industry leading full spectrum bulbs and fixtures for your Birds health.

Well known fact...birds require natural sunlight for proper health. What is not so well known, is that light from modern windows FILTERS out the UV rays that are needed to maintain health.

Protect your Birds health with these bulbs and reduce your electricity cost at the same time!

PURESUN Bird UV Lights
Full Spectrum + UVB
Regular price: $30.99
ON SALE: $23.99
FeatherBrite Parrot Lighting Systems
Zoo Med AvianSun Deluxe Floor Lamp
Bulb not included
Zoo Med AvianSun Compact Fluorescent Bulb
True Full Spectrum = UVA + UVB + Visible
FeatherBrite Full Spectrum LED Bulb
Regular price: $26.99
ON SALE: $25.99
FeatherBrite LED UV Bulb
Regular price: $26.99
ON SALE: $25.99

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